Saturday 31 December 2011

Howcast - emanuelprice513...

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-My Damn Channel -- User Profile ...

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Samsung scores victory against Apple in Germany

The changes Samsung Electronics has made to its Galaxy Tab 10.1 are enough so that it is no longer a copy of Apple's iPad, a judge at the district court in D�sseldorf, Germany, said on Thursday.

The court blocked German sales of the original version of Samsung's 10-inch tablet in September, after Apple argued that Samsung's product looked too much like the iPad. To circumvent that ruling, Samsung modified the appearance of the tablet to create the Galaxy Tab 10.1N.


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Singapore Web Design Company offering Web Design, Web Development, SEO, SEM and Internet Marketing Services


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Will RAID Die In 2012?

The time it takes to rebuild a RAID-protected volume makes it unwieldy with today's high-capacity drives.

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Thursday 29 December 2011

12 Days of Geekmas 2011 Wrap-Up

With the holiday season drawing to a close, we at GeekDad wanted to take a moment to recognize all of those that made the 12 Days of Geekmas, our own homegrown holiday, such a success this year. Thanks of course to Philips, makers of the Wireless HDMI Net Connect, for their generous sponsorship. We’d also [...]


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Will Solid-State Storage Kill Tiering?

Even when solid-state storage dominates the data center, mechanical storage and tape will still have a major role to play in your storage infrastructure.

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The 7 Things Your Friends and Family Should Have Gotten You From Amazon [Toolkit]

Sorry, you didn't get what you asked for. You didn't even get what you could politely pretend to use. Luckily, Amazon's a trove of exchangeriffic items, and we've got seven picks for you at every budget. Suck it, extended family! More »


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Tim Tebow has as many Android apps as all of the 2012 Pro Bowl QBs combined

Tim Tebow app

Fun fact: Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow has at least six Android apps and a live wallpaper in the Android Market. (Make that eight total if you count the misspelled "Tbows World.")

There's "Tim Tebow." (with a period). "Tim Tebow" (without a period). "Tim Tebow!" (because dude deserves an exclamation point). The "Tim Tebow Unofficial App." "Tim Tebow News & Stats." And our favorite (although likely a little offensive to some), "You-R-Tebow," in which your face is planted on top of the genuflecting QB's body.

That's more than a half-dozen Tim Tebow Android apps. Guess how many the wonder boy Tom Brady has? Two. And his fellow 2012 Pro Bowlers don't fare much better. Aaron Rodgers (3). Drew Brees (2). Eli Manning (1).  And poor Ben Roethlisberger and Philip Rivers don't even merit a single app. (Not even a search for "meathead" turns up any results for those two.)

Yep, dude's everywhere.


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Slime molds could hold key to new kinds of intelligence, help Statue of Liberty walk

See that yellow amoeboid slime mold? It's up to something. A team of Japanese scientists at Future University Hakodate led by professor Toshiyuki Nakagaki has found evidence that physarum polycephalum -- or grape-cluster slime -- are capable of navigating mazes and can organize their cells to find the most direct route. Nakagaki and others believe this could be the key to designing bio-computers capable of solving complex problems. According to Nakagaki, the slime's cells appear to have a kind of information-processing ability that allows them to "optimize" the route along which the mold grows to reach food while avoiding stresses -- like light -- that may damage them.

Over at Kyushu University, researcher Atsushi Tero told the AFP news agency: "Computers are not so good at analysing the best routes that connect many base points because the volume of calculations becomes too large for them. But slime molds, without calculating all the possible options, can flow over areas in an impromptu manner and gradually find the best routes." Tero and other researchers have expressed hope that slime mold networks could be used in future designs of new transportation systems, electric transmission lines and understanding the human nervous system. Just remember, if you're going to coat the interior of the Statue of Liberty with some pink slime you found in the sewer, make sure you play some upbeat music to go along with it. It's just a good idea in the long run.

Slime molds could hold key to new kinds of intelligence, help Statue of Liberty walk originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 29 Dec 2011 03:33:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Super Bowl to be streamed live in U.S.

The NFL says that its championship game, as well as two playoff games and the Pro Bowl, will be streamed live for the first time. The games will also be available on Verizon mobile devices.


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Search Engine Optimisation - Recent Health Articles...

We are now often asked if professional Seo (search marketing) can be accomplished effectively utilizing in-house talent. Despite our obvious self-interests about the subject, our solution is always a knowledgeable 'yes'- you can achieve professi...


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